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1.- Declarations of Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, OAS

In 2008 the Organization of American States (OAS) for the first time manifested its concern for the discrimination suffered by sexual minorities in the world and called to implement measures to eliminate this vulnerability. In 2009, the OEA approved a second declaration with the same name, that was even more emphatic, while the following years also giving green light to new declarations with the same characteristics. The five declarations where supported by the State of Chile thanks to the leadership of Movilh.

Older records on the history and process of the declarations can be found in the VII, VIII, IX,  X  and XI Report on the Human Rights of the Sexual Diversity of Chile.


2.- UN Resolution of Human Rights, sexual orientation and gender identity.

In 2011 the UN approved the historic resolution about the rights for sexual minorities, a text which was produced with the support of Chile after arrangements made by Movilh. The history about this achievement can be found in the X Annual Report on the Human Rights of the Sexual Minorities of Chile.



3.- Observation General Number 20

This text was approved 2009 by the Committee of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights within UN. The document signals that the principle of non-discrimination guaranteed in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights also applies for the sexual minorities.


4.- Extrajudicial Executions

The UN resolution on Extrajudicial, Summary and Arbitrary Executionsstands out for having incorporated gender identity as “protected category”, after previously having included “sexual orientation”. Chile supported both inclusions after negotiations led by Movilh. More records can be found in the IX and XI Annual Reports on the Human Rights of the Sexual Minorities of Chile.



5.- UN Reports on education

In its annual report presented in 2006, the UN special reporter of Education, Vernor Muñoz, evaluated the vulnerable situation of lesbian students in Chile having Movilh as source of information. In a second report from 2010, named “Derecho Humano a la Educación Integral”, the reporter once again warned about the discrimination suffered by sexual minorities within the classrooms, after having received information from organizations from various parts of the world, such as Movilh.

Older records can be found in the V and IX Annual Report on the Human Rights of the Sexual Diversity of Chile.


6.- Resolución APA sobre matrimonio igualitario

El Consejo de Representantes de la Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría (APA) aprobó el 2011 la “Resolución sobre la igualdad de matrimonio para parejas del mismo sexo”, donde insta a los Estados a terminar con las leyes que impiden a personas homosexuales acceder a ese vínculo.


7.- OPS y terapias reparativas

La Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) llamó el 2012 en este texto, denominado «Curas para una enfermedad que no existen», a erradicar la terapias reparativas de la homosexualidad en el mundo y a denunciar y condenar este tipo de procedimientos.


8.-ONU y  Códigos Penales

En este informe la relatora especial para los Defensores de Derechos Humanos de la ONU, Margaret Sekaggya, llamó el 2012 a  los Estados a derogar de sus códigos penales normas homofóbicas y transfóbicas. Entre otros, la relatora tuvo a la vista un informe del Movilh.

Mayores antecedentes en el XI Informe Anual de los Derechos Humanos de la Diversidad Sexual en Chile.


9.-Parlamento Europeo y diversidad sexual

El 2011 el Parlamento Europeo aprobó la “Resolución sobre Derechos Humanos,  orientación sexual e identidad de género en las Naciones unidas”, donde insta a los países y organismos multilaterales a redoblar esfuerzos para erradicar la homofobia y la transfobia del mundo.


10.- Memorándum Estados Unidos.

El Gobierno de Estados Unidos encomendó el 2011 en un memorándum a todas sus representaciones en el mundo  colaborar decididamente para enfrentar en otros países la discriminación por orientación sexual e identidad de género.


11.- Discurso de EEUU en la ONU

Con motivo del Día Internacional de los Derechos Humanos, la secretaria de Estado de EEUU, Hillary Cliton, dio el 2011 en el Palacio de Naciones Unidas el hasta ahora más sólido discurso oficial de su país para erradicar la homofobia y la transfobia.


12.-Tercera declaración sobre DDHH, Orientación Sexual e Identidad de Género, ONU.

Este texto fue leído por 85 países en el 16 Período de Sesiones del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU, celebrado el 2011. En el documento se expresa amplia preocupación por homofobia y la transfobia en el mundo.

El texto fue respaldado por Chile, tras gestiones del Movilh. Todos los antecedentes en el X Informe Anual de los DDHH de la Diversidad Sexual en Chile.


13.- The second declaration about Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, ONU.

In this text, read by 66 countries in the United Nations, the States called to eliminate all laws that penalize people for their sexual orientation och gender identity, while at the same time demanding the abolition of all discrimination and violation of human rights which affect the sexual minorities in the world. The proposal was supported by the State of Chile thanks to diverse actions organized by Movilh.

More info about the history and the processes of the Declaration can be found in the seventh Report of the Human Rights of the Sexual Diversity in Chile.


14.- The first Norwegian Declaration (ONU)

In this text, 54 member states of the United Nations called upon this instance to include the battle against the discrimination for sexual orientation and gender identity in its concerns.

The Declaration, which was presented the 1 of December in 2006 in the third session of the Human Rights Council of ONU was supported by Chile through diverse actions from Movilh towards the embassy.


15.- The Yogyakarta Principles

The Yogyakarta Principles is the first document from Human Rights experts which has an extense and exclusive reference to the discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

The text; written by judges, academics, tellers from the United Nations and defenders of human rights from 25 countries; was released the 26 of March in 2007 in Geneva parallel to the fourth Council of Human Rights of the U.N. After releasing it, Movilh asked the Chilean governments to adjust to the principles in our country.


15.- The project for the Human Rights and Sexual Orientation Resolution

The document was written by Brazil with the objective to submit it for voting in the United Nations in 2003, however, after some conservative nations expressed concern for the document, it became a subject for discussion.

Because of that, in 2003, Movilh obtained the support of the Declaration from the Chilean government which in its turn provoked the first public debate about the rights for the sexual minorities at an international level.

More information about the history and the processing of the Declaration can be found in the Reports of the Human Rights of the Sexual Diversity in Chile from 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006.