This law, approved in 2012 under the Sebastián Piñera Government, penalize the arbitrary discrimination and includes protection for discrimination of sexual orientation and gender identity. The law was created by the Ricardo Lagos Government together with La Asociación de Inmigrantes por la Integracion Latinoamericana, la Agrupación de Familiares de Pacientes Psiquiátricos and Movilh. The history and evolution of the processing of the law can be found in the Human Rights Report of the Sexual Diversity (Informes de Derechos Humanos de la Diversidad Sexual) from 2002 to 2012.
The Proyect of Agreement against the crimes of Homophobia and Transphobia (El Proyecto de Acuerdo contra los Delitos por Homofobia y Transfobia) was elaborated by Movilh and approved by the Chamber of Congress in 2005. The text was put in the first announcement of the legislative power in which they recognized the discrimination against sexual minorities and they put measures the prevent and confront it. More background of its history can be found in the 2005 Human Rights Report of the Sexual Minority (el informe 2005 sobre los Derechos Humanos de las Minorías Sexuales).
This initiative seeks to make all municipals implement laws and procedures to prevent the discrimination of sexual orientation, gender identity or any other reason. The proposal, written by Movilh in 2008, is supported by about 100 organizations from the north, central and south of Chile.
Until 2012 seven communities had accepted these ordinances: Santiago, La Serena, Chillán, Puerto Montt, El Monte, El Quisco, and Puchuncaví.
More history about the history and processes of the ordinances is available in the Human Rights Report of the Sexual Diversity in Chile VI-X.
This law approved in 2009 does not only refer to sexual minorities, however it includes the principles of non-discrimination y the respect of the social diversity, after various proposals to the Senate from Movilh. More history can be found in the Human Rights Report of the Sexual Diversity 8.
The Law about School Violence was published in 2001 and has a positive direct impact in the battle against homophobia and transphobia in school, thanks to previous advances in the matter which are further detailed in the Human Rights Report of the Sexual Diversity 10.
The first Bill for the modification of the Civil Code in Relation to the Concept of Marriage, more known as “law of homosexual marriage or equal marriage”, submitted to the parliament in 2008, with the leadership of then congressman Marco Enríque-Ominami and the cooperation of Movilh.
Also, in 2010,a second marriage billwas presented in the National Congress, also supported by Movilh, but this time led by the senator Fulvio Rossi.
Older records of the history and processes of the first bill can be found in the VII Annual Report on the Human Rights of the Sexual Minorities of Chile.
– Non discrimination and Contract of Civil Union
The Bill of Encouragement of Non-Discrimination and Contract of Civil Union between Persons of Same Sexwas redacted by Movilh y presented 2003 before the National Congress with a high parliamentary support. This bill opened the public debate in Chile regarding homosexual parents, adoption and the necessity to put forward a norm that regulates the couple relationships between people of the same sex.
– Pact for Civil Union (PUC)
This project was based on the idea of Movilh, and was written by lawyers of the University of Chile and the University Diego Portales, with the objective to provide Chile with a law that regulates the co-habitation relationships between heterosexuals and homosexuals. Supported by 150 organizations the PUCcounts with a strong political support and in 2009 the bill was officially submitted to the National Congress. Older records of the history and processes of PUC can be found in the Annual Reports 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 on the Human Rights of the Sexual Minorities of Chile.
– Law that regulates the civil union between persons of same sex.
This initiative, submitted to the parliament in 2008 by congressman Marco Enríquez-Ominami and Movilh, acknowledges the existence of same sex couples, and seeks to give a basic legal stability to those unions.
– Agreement of Common Life (AVC)
This initiative of the senator Andrés Allamand is the first proposal given by a representative of the right to regulate the co-habitation relations between homosexuals and heterosexuals. It was submitted to the parliament in 2010. Older records can be found in the IX and X Annual Reports on the Human Rights of the Sexual Minorities of Chile.
– Agreement of Life in Couple (AVP)
The Agreement of Life in Couple (AVP) is the bill elaborated by the Government of Sebastían Piñera to regulate the co-habitation relationships between homosexuals and heterosexuals. The history of the bill can be found in the X Annual Report on the Human Rights of the Sexual Minorities of Chile.
8 – Bill for the defense of homosexual parents
The proposal written by senator Carlos Ominami, was submitted to the parliament in 2008, backed up by Movilh. The initiative seeks to guarantee that no father or mother gets deprives of their children because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Dos proyectos de Ley que Introducen Modificaciones sobre Registro Civil e Identificación para garantizar que hombres y mujeres transexuales puedan cambiar su nombre y sexo legal por otros acordes a su identidad de género, sin necesidad de una cirugía de reasignación de genitales, han sido ingresados a tramitación del Congreso Nacional.
La primera iniciativa, redactada por la diputada María Antonieta Saa tras un trabajo conjunto con el Movilh, ingresó a tramitación parlamentaria el 2008 y la segunda, del Senador Alejandro Navarro, el 2010.
Mayores antecedentes sobre la historia y procesos del primer y segundo proyecto se encuentran en el VII y IX Informe Anual de los Derechos Humanos de las Minorías Sexuales Chilenas, en forma respectiva.
Este artículo sanciona las ofensa, al pudor, la moral y las buenas costumbres, y es comúmente usada por las policías para detener y/o agredir en forma arbitraria a lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transexuales sólo por expresar su afecto en público y/o tener una estética diversa. En el 2007 el Movilh elaboró un proyecto de ley para derogar este articulo, y ese mismo año ingresó a tramitación del Congreso Nacional con el respaldo de variados parlamentarios.
Mayor análisis en el VI y VII Informe Anual de los Derechos Humanos de la Diversidad Sexual.
Este proyecto redactado por el Movilh ingresó a tramitación del Congreso Nacional en el 2009 con el patrocinio de diversos parlamentarios. Su objetivo es igualar la edad de consentimiento sexual entre homosexuales y heterosexuales. Esto, por cuanto el artículo 365 del Código Penal determina que para los gays la edad de consentimiento es a los 18 años, mientras que para heterosexuales ylesbianas es a los 14 años.
El artículo 365 es la única norma que en Chile discrimina en forma explícta a lesbiabas, gays, bisexuales y transexuales. Mayores informaciones se encutran en los Informes Anuales de Derechos Humanos.
Este artículo permite los despidos por necesidades de la empresa y es usada comúmente para ocultar la discriminación padecida por las minorías sexuales en el campo laboral. El proyecto de ley fue redactado por diversos parlamentarios y cuenta con el decidido respaldo del Movilh.
Mayores datos en el VIII Informe Anual de los Derechos Humanos de la Diversidad Sexual.
Este proyecto, liderado por la senadora Lily Pérez, ingresó a tramitación al Congreso Nacional el 2010 con el objetivo de prevenir y sancionar la incitación al odio que padecen diversos sectores sociales, entre otros las minorías sexuales. La propuesta cuenta el respaldo del Movilh.
La historia del proyecto se encuentra en el X Informe Anual de los Derechos Humanos de la Diversidad Sexual en Chile.