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1.- The Chilean State should promote the common good by recognizing and respecting the social and cultural diversity of the rich variety of groups and individuals that make up the country.


2.- The Chilean State should promote equal rights for majorities and minorities expressed in components of race, colour, gender, genetic structure, language, religion, opinion or preference, national origin or socioeconomic status, birth, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, personal image, illness, physical or mental disability, marital status or any other status, natural or cultural.


3.- The Chilean lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) movement adheres to all legal and constitutional anti discriminatory regulation that is democratically constitutionalized, and promotes the alteration or repeal of all regulation foreign/ to that spirit.


4.- Just as the sexual minorities, other social groups experience various forms discrimination, exclusion and segregation. Therefore, the LGBT movement takes on, as an ethical, moral and political demand, the necessity of promoting diversity and forming alliances and cooperative networks with all the vulnerable sectors.


5.- The quality of life for the LGBT population is closely linked to all social, cultural, political, economical and legal rights and duties that a democratic society must guarantee its citizens.


6.- In Chile there are various ways of forming a family. Therefore, relationships formed by people of the same sex or people with diverse gender identity; make up one of the pillars of society.


7.- Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people form the sexual minority population. Within each of these groups there are various interests that require self-representation for the most suitable and appropriate defence of their specific rights and needs.


8.- The Chilean LGBT movement develops a political, social and cultural function, which is voluntary, autonomous and independent from partisan tendencies and current ideologies; religious or economical.


9.- The LGBT movement’s socio-political interventions, demands and proposals cover a national context and they promote a progressive cultural change to reduce and eliminate all forms of discrimination.


10.- The LGBT movement’s actions are conciliatory, purposeful and non-violent in their relation to cultural diversity, social movements, civil society, the State and non-governmental organizations.


11.- The elimination of repressive and discriminatory conduct, affecting the sexual minorities, is through integration into society, with equal rights and duties, without having to compromise their own identities; and through respect for individual differences, whether natural or cultural.


12.- The elimination of repressive and discriminatory conduct, affecting the sexual minorities, is through integration into society, with equal rights and duties, without having to compromise their own identities; and through respect for individual differences, whether natural or cultural.


13.- The LGBT movement promotes and illustrates policies and public debates on, the below mentioned, emerging issues, whose discussion has been pushed into the background and has got an uncertain future; the same as has happened with the sexual diversities throughout history.


14.- The LBGT movement reinforces proposals on the emerging issues on the basis of the right to life, equality, individual freedom, national development and anti-discrimination.


15.- The topics that fall into the category of emerging issues are, among others, secularism, divorce, abortion, homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality, ecology, euthanasia, conscription, capital punishment, physical or mental disability, ethnicity, AIDS, environment, gender, drug use, prison system, children, seniors, immigration and consumer rights.
